Monday, January 12, 2009

Help Wanted

I’m back in Afghanistan after going home for a too short Christmas break. Yes, I am part of that noble core of do-gooding souls ready to stand arm in arm with our less fortunate brothers and sisters, living as they live, eating what they eat, forgoing creature comforts and risking life and limb - just not on major holidays or during our children’s school breaks.

The snow has started to fall and that is both good and bad. Good because insurgent related violence goes down during the winter since apparently the Taliban haven’t figured out where to buy good snow tires. Bad because access to the people that we are trying to reach with services becomes severely restricted. We are planning to distribute food as part of the health intervention but we are having trouble getting it into the country. It was the same way when I worked in Indonesia. Bringing in free food ain’t as easy as one might imagine!

I recently met with the provincial Governor and members of the Provincial Council and they all pledged the support of their respective good offices. These meetings are mostly ceremonial but occasionally the phrase “when I was speaking to the Governor about……” does come in handy when dealing with a less than helpful civil servant as you’re trying to get a copy of this or that government regulation / policy statement / strategic planning document.

We’re still having trouble recruiting staff, both Afghan and expatriate but for some reason I'm hopeful that things will turn around. I’m thinking that in this shall we say challenging economic environment that maybe people will give old Afghanistan a second look, she ain’t so bad!


Naomi said...

Fred, great to hear from you. Glad you got home for the holidays; no need to diminish your work by the fact that you're priviliged enough to escape the environment from time to time. Face it, you're not Afghan, for better or worse. Speaking of aide workers in Afghanistan, if your computer has speakers you should listen to this radio piece from This American Life (Act One: A Good Year For Grand Gestures) .
Stay warm, wear a hat.
Best, Naomi

Kathleen said...

happy new year to you, too.
always good to hear from you. let's us know you are least physically ok. : )
it is great to hear that you got to make it home for the holidays. i am sure everyone was glad to see you!
must be strange to come back to the states after being gone so long and in such a different place.

as always, take care of yourself and keep up the amazing work that you are doing. the world is a better place because of people like you.

xoxo love atcha'. stay warm.